Friday, November 13, 2009


Wow! I am so behind on my blog:) We are pretty boring over here. We had a good Halloween, I have to have Chris show me how to download pictures from our camera so i can post our Halloween pics. Bridger was an alien, Cambry was the cutest witch and Sidney was a cat. Sidney still askes us at least 4-5 times a week if she can go trick or treating! She loves the idea of going door to door getting free candy....anything for a treat, wonder where she gets that?

Bridger got glasses about 2 weeks ago and we just started him on his orthodontics. We are hoping that by starting him on an expander he wont have to have braces! Dr. Hillam is pretty sure it will work so keep your fingers crossed:)

We are getting close to finding out the sex of the baby! We have an appointment for the ultra sound December 16th!!!